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Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Casa De Esperanza
These homes aren't just shelter; they're a safe haven, and it’s humbling to be part of building that...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
The Act of Co-Creating
As I reflect on last week's teaching and the truth of God as our co-creator, I think of my own journey and the ways He has worked...

Caley Eldridge
5 min read
Mindful Mothering in the Midst of Discipleship
As many of you know, Travis and I are in week four of our Discipleship Training School (DTS). The struggle to keep balance here has been...

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
The Hardest Goodbye
This week I had to say my final goodbye to my Grandma...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Embracing Adventure: Tijuana for YWAM Discipleship Training
We have officially been in Mexico and DTS for 3 weeks, and it has been both rewarding and exhausting.

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Momming 101: Figure It Out
There have been so many times, looking at my children that I have wondered if I'm doing enough...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Dear God 1/12/2016
In 2016 I started keeping prayer journals. I was struggling with alcohol and depression, and journaling my thoughts and my feelings...
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