As my husband, Travis, and I were driving to our friend's house for dinner, we were discussing our lack of routine in our diet lately (we are currently renovating a house and have no kitchen!). He jokingly says,
"Oh well. My body is a tool not an ornament."
Immediately, I'm thinking "YES"! You get it! I've made a serious point of not obsessing over my body over the last year - I want to spend my life looking up and experiencing the amazing world that we live in, not looking down and worrying over how big my butt looks in my jeans or the number on the scale. I want to live a balanced and happy life. Not one full of restriction and obsession. My body is a tool not an ornament.
And then (of course) Travis adds,
"BUT there are some seriously good looking 'tools' out there. Do I want to be an 'okay' Ryobi? Or do I want to be a 'bad ass' Milwaukee?"
Darn you and your logic, buddy (insert loving eye roll here).

Truth: My body is not an ornament... God didn't provide my body so I could starve it to be a certain weight, force it to be a certain size, punish it and treat it badly because it doesn't look the way society deems it should. Also truth: My body is a tool - an amazing tool, and He didn't provide my body so I could neglect it, live a mediocre life and not use it to its' greatest potential either. He provided this tool so I could glorify Him, enjoy the world He created for me, raise a family and live an abundant life. So, as much as I do not want to obsess over my body, I do need to pay it the attention it deserves. I need to take care of it with healthy life choices: exercise, healthy diet, emotional well-being, sobriety, etc.
Where do I start? I start by having goals. I want to be able to camp and hunt and travel with my children and grandchildren. I want to be the 85 year old lady power walking in the morning, not the one sitting in her rocker hardly able to get up. In order to do those things, I need to take care of myself. First and foremost, I need to love and respect myself so I can put in the work needed to be the best version of myself I can be. Right now I'm learning balance. I'm working on more intuitive eating, yoga and daily walks because hard training and weights weren't making me happy. Travis, our 13 year old, and I are also training for a half marathon just to prove that we can do it. Why? Because we want to be bad ass Milwaukees not just okay Ryobis ;)

*Disclaimer: I had NO idea what Ryobi even was before Travis patiently explained the hierarchy of tools, annnnd I had to Google it to even spell the name, but I loved his analogy all the same. You learn something new every day!