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Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Casa De Esperanza
These homes aren't just shelter; they're a safe haven, and it’s humbling to be part of building that...

Caley Eldridge
5 min read
Mindful Mothering in the Midst of Discipleship
As many of you know, Travis and I are in week four of our Discipleship Training School (DTS). The struggle to keep balance here has been...

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
The Hardest Goodbye
This week I had to say my final goodbye to my Grandma...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Embracing Adventure: Tijuana for YWAM Discipleship Training
We have officially been in Mexico and DTS for 3 weeks, and it has been both rewarding and exhausting.

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Momming 101: Figure It Out
There have been so many times, looking at my children that I have wondered if I'm doing enough...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
30 Days of Less
I recently posted about being able to "do it all" and at the time I thought, yes, we can, but should we? Do we want to? Honestly, the...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
So, I Got Coached
Last week I was STRUGGLING. Like, knot in my stomach, couldn't take a deep breath, felt like I was going to...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
35 Years Around The Sun
I remember as a kid, looking at people in their thirties and thinking how grown-up they were. They were established. Mature. Respected....

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Consults & Cake
On Sunday Travis and I headed to Jacksonville to meet with his colorectal surgeon Monday morning...

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
Writing the last couple months has been difficult for me. I've neglected my journal and my blog because it was overwhelming...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full
Or I can say "That was a season that I walked in, and I choose to not to let that hold me back. I choose freedom and happiness.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Made For This
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - please stop using motherhood as an excuse to drink.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Investing In Each Other
In 2017 we hit our all time low and the word divorce was tossed out more often than I care to admit...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Fear of Missing Out
Two years ago, my only fear of missing out was my fear of not getting to have my evening drink (aka bottle of wine), which led me to...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Say It Out Loud
I have heard countless times that if you want something strongly enough you can quite literally speak it into existence.
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