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Caley Eldridge
2 min read
The Act of Co-Creating
As I reflect on last week's teaching and the truth of God as our co-creator, I think of my own journey and the ways He has worked...

Caley Eldridge
5 min read
Mindful Mothering in the Midst of Discipleship
As many of you know, Travis and I are in week four of our Discipleship Training School (DTS). The struggle to keep balance here has been...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Embracing Adventure: Tijuana for YWAM Discipleship Training
We have officially been in Mexico and DTS for 3 weeks, and it has been both rewarding and exhausting.

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Momming 101: Figure It Out
There have been so many times, looking at my children that I have wondered if I'm doing enough...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Chronic Stress & Breathwork
Let's be honest, in our modern whirl-wind lives, stress has become an unwelcome and constant companion for many...

Caley Eldridge
1 min read
Hey There,
Gosh, it's been a while. To be honest, this feels awkward. Where to even start?

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
35 Years Around The Sun
I remember as a kid, looking at people in their thirties and thinking how grown-up they were. They were established. Mature. Respected....

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Productive Distraction
When I first got sober, I made a very valiant effort to fight my way through all my doubts and cravings...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
"You're So Lucky"
We need to remember, that what we project to the world is hardly ever our entire story...
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