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Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Shame Is A Liar
Shame: 1. A. a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming or impropriety B. The susceptibility of such emotion 2. a...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Save Your Sorry
Here’s the thing, feeling sorry for me takes away from everything I have overcome. Once upon a time I felt sorry for myself too.

Caley Eldridge
1 min read
You Are Not Alone
No matter what you are going through in life, remember this: You are not alone.

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
It's Not All About Sobriety
Realizing that sobriety wasn’t just about “being sober” was an eye opener for me. Sobriety was also about learning to love myself and...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Overcoming Shame
I spent the majority of my life making decisions based on how I thought other people would judge me.

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full
Or I can say "That was a season that I walked in, and I choose to not to let that hold me back. I choose freedom and happiness.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Hi, My Name Is...
Attending Alcoholics Anonymous was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. That being said, I also think it held me back.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Made For This
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - please stop using motherhood as an excuse to drink.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Investing In Each Other
In 2017 we hit our all time low and the word divorce was tossed out more often than I care to admit...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Unhealthy Cycles
I recently saw someone post the question: How do you distract yourself when you have a craving for alcohol?

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Can You Classify That?
I woke up every single day nauseous trying to remember what I had done the night before...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
How Did You Become An Alcoholic?
I could say that it was likely to happen because it runs in my family...

Caley Eldridge
2 min read
Well, That Stings A Little
When I first gave up drinking, I didn’t share with anyone. I was terrified that I was going to lose friends...

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
How Did You Know?
It was when I found myself questioning whether or not I had a problem that I knew I had a problem.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
I'll Take A Do-Over Please!
No matter how many times I may have wished for it, I can’t take back anything that I’ve done. I have some really peachy memories...

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
Mom-ing Sober
How many fears did I have getting sober? SO MANY, and I was worried about turning into a bad mom if I gave it up

Caley Eldridge
4 min read
13.1 & Done
You committed to running the miles. So you have to run the miles.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
You May Now Kiss The Bride
So, this Friday I won't be worrying about whether or not there is enough alcohol or how much I can drink without someone noticing...

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
I Don't Remember That
No, these weren’t all alcohol induced blackouts. I would forget things that happened during the day when I wasn't drinking too.

Caley Eldridge
3 min read
Depression & Alcohol
Before I quit drinking, I was on antidepressants for over a year. I didn't know how to cope, and the cycle continued.
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